BoothBook and Facebook Messenger | Booth Book

We implemented BoothBook, and it was immediately apparent that it was going to save us time and money. The admin is automated - no manual contracts to send, payments to chase or emails to send. The time we have saved has allowed us to develop and grow the business, safe in the knowledge that BoothBook will take care of the admin.

BoothBook Imprint Photo Booths
Imprint Photo Booths

BoothBook and Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a messaging app and platform. Users can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio, and other files. This app on BoothBook is ideal for using as a live chat widget for communicating with customers during the booking process. 

  • Discover more about Messenger
  • Learn about how to integrate it with your BoothBook account here
  • See other integrations we play nicely with here