Happy Christmas BoothBookers! | Booth Book

Happy Christmas BoothBookers!

Here at BoothBook we are all looking forward to having a break for Christmas! Although the office currently has zero christmas decorations up, we have christmas music, and I have requested the Dub a dub a dumb dumb song a couple times now. As this song is sure to get you in the festive spirit, if you don’t know the song it’s Stop the Cavalry - Jona Lewie...you should probably listen to it if you like christmas. With BoothBook you can be assured that you can relax over the christmas period, while BoothBook takes care of all your bookings and keeps your business running smoothly. You can focus on what matters most this christmas, spending time with your loved ones, eating too much turkey and overall being able to appreciate what’s around you. So make sure you give yourself a proper break this christmas and try not to get distracted by work, as christmas only comes around once a year and it will be gone before you know it so make the most of this special time.

While one year comes to an end at BoothBook, another is about to begin! We are looking forward to seeing what 2019 will bring to BoothBook in the New Year, after the great year BoothBook has had I’m sure it will be even better! Next year BoothBook will be bringing you even more updated features to help you improve and manage Admin for your business. I can reassure you that’s not all to be expected with BoothBook 2019, we will keep you updated so be sure you are following all our social medias too so you don’t miss out!

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“What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down." - It's a Wonderful Life.




A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year from all of the BoothBook Team!

BoothBook; your online automated booking system and business management tool to help you become more profitable, save hours and start focusing on enjoying life again! 





We implemented BoothBook, and it was immediately apparent that it was going to save us time and money. The admin is automated - no manual contracts to send, payments to chase or emails to send. The time we have saved has allowed us to develop and grow the business, safe in the knowledge that BoothBook will take care of the admin.

BoothBook Imprint Photo Booths
Imprint Photo Booths