Start your New Year right with BoothBook! | Booth Book

Start your New Year right with BoothBook!

Firstly a warm Happy New Year to all our fellow BoothBookers! Hope you have all had a restful break and are ready to start off your 2019 right!

New Year’s Resolution

I can’t believe Christmas is over.. It always goes too quick and then before you know it you’ve gained magical weight and no longer feel chocolate or mince pies is an option for breakfast anymore!

The reality of having to go back to work kicks in, it’s common for most people to get that dreaded feeling when returning to work after the christmas break however don’t let the dread of going back to work get the best of you, why not let the New Year give you that new and improved focus you need to tackle the next working year ahead. I always love the start of a New Year as it enables you to have a fresh start, it gives you the opportunity to think about what is it you want to achieve this year and how you could achieve it. It can give you that new perspective you're in need of, so why not set yourself some working goals this 2019 to help you focus on what you would like to achieve. For example, this year I am going to set myself the goal of practising what I learn more, so each time I learn something new I’m going to keep practicing this so I can then develop this into a new skill. This new skill can then be applied to my everyday working routine ultimately improving how I work.

If you have signed up to BoothBook you have already made a positive improvement this year, by letting us take care of your admin work and enabling you to enjoy automated bliss this will enable you to have more of your valuable time to focus on what’s important to your business. So why don’t you set yourself some New Year working Goals, to start your 2019 right!


What we have planned this January!

We have already set our goals for the year ahead here at BoothBook and have some exciting things planned for 2019! We will be going to Australia this month and we are very much looking forward to joining some of our BoothBookers for the BoothCon! We always look forward to meeting our existing and new customers at BoothBook, and it’s nice for the team to get some sunshine too.

BoothBook; your online automated booking system and business management tool to help you become more profitable, save hours and start focusing on enjoying life again! 

Without BoothBook, I would have wasted time missing data collection for my clients. BoothBook makes it easy for my clients to book their event and make sure that all their needs are taken care of. It also makes our brand look so much more professional.

BoothBook Iconic Image Photo Booths
Iconic Image Photo Booths