Blog | 5 Reasons why Businesses use Proposals

5 Reasons why Businesses use Proposals



Wedding Proposal

Proposals are there to use as a tool to help you and your business present themselves in a professional way to show your prospective client you ARE worth every penny you’ve quoted. Personalising a quote to them with images, branded content and a clear outline of their needs if a MUST when it comes to standing out from your competition.

Here is what we believe are the top 5 reasons why business’ in this industry use proposals:

  1. Impress your prospective clients with a personalised and professional looking quote
  2. Use it as a tool to upsell your products
  3. Educate your prospective client about your business, to gain trust
  4. Ability to track engagement to assist with follow ups
  5. Close deals faster and more effectively

Head to the blog posts above to discover more about how to send Proposals and/or How you could be sending them better ^^



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