Awesome Feature #3: E-Contracts | Booth Book

Awesome Feature #3: E-Contracts


Do you ever think “Man if I knew I’d have to deal with so many contract’s I’d just have been a lawyer!”? I swear that thought went through my head a lot before I found Boothbook! I used to have to edit each contract for each booking individually and ensure that I added the right service, person, company, hours, and so much more! Don’t you worry that you’ll mess something up? It was soooo tedious and I hated doing it even though I knew it meant that I was going to get paid. I knew there was a better way.


Well with BoothBook there really is a fool proof way! Add your contract during setup and as long as you use it’s awesome variables, it’ll fill in the contract with all the details as soon as the booking is made! What I used to dread doing and would take me hours as I went back and forth, now literally took me no time at all! It’s even better because once the contract is created, the customer signs it then and there on their phone or computer and it’s logged and saved with their booking! No other contract software automatically fills in the booking details and it’s saved me so much frustration! You can read more about the variables you can use here:

Now what if you have different contracts for different service types? Do you have to send multiple contracts and fill them out manually and get the customer to sign each? What if they question why they’re signing so many? Well with BoothBook you can use variables to include different contract terms for different services! Learn more here:


Just think about it, would you rather spend hours agonizing over contract after contract without Boothbook? I didn’t think so! E-contracts with booking information, e-signatures, and tracking is the way to go and a WIN with BoothBook!



About the Author: 

Great support, with an awesome software. I have spare time now for other things. This software is easy to install, and super easy to translate into different languages.

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